
About Me

I am a 25-year-old women living and loving in the Pacific North West. I am recently married and enjoying life with my husband and our furry child. I love dogs, gardening, making floral arrangements, energy work, reading, learning about finances, running, cooking, yoga, art, feminism and as of recently meditation.

My Health Story

My health struggles truly started in 2010 when a man attacked me. I developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and slowly, my health began to suffer. The mental aftermath brought anxiety, stomach issues, depression, and more. The trouble was, I never connected the dots. So by 2013, my body caught up to my mind and became ill. I began to develop allergies; suddenly I couldn’t eat peanut butter without getting a migraine. EVERYTHING I ate caused me intestinal discomfort. I would get bloated, gassy, nauseous, cramped, and much more. On top of that, I kept getting sick. I caught everything that came around and took weeks to recover. I began to develop acne, my nails were weak, my body ached constantly, I was miserable. I went to the doctors and they prescribed me antibiotics, little did I know they would just feed the problem. A few days later I ended up with a yeast infection. This cycle repeated itself the next month. Sickness, antibiotics, yeast infection, antifungal.

My social life fell apart. I couldn’t eat or drink, I was exhausted all the time, and I just never felt well enough to go out. It took all my energy just to keep from failing my classes. Something had to change! I was in my doctor’s office (Again!) when I saw something “sick and tired of being sick and tired?” ummmmm…yeah! I made an appointment for an immune balancing program they offered. Upon the first visit I felt I had taken a step in the right direction. After some blood tests to rule out other sources of illnesses, she introduced me to my nemesis, leaky gut and candida. Add in food allergies and you have a trifecta of related conditions.

It is now 2015 and I am happy to say that I am about 80-85% better. (Don’t worry, it won’t have to take you this long!) I found an unfortunate lack of information available on the Internet addressing candida and its related conditions. While many sites cover the diet, the fact is there is SO MUCH MORE to healing than just food. The physical, social, and mental aspects all need addressing. While I am not a doctor, I know what worked for me. What it came down to was I could eliminate all the bad foods, take all the supplements and still feel shitty. It was when I healed my mind of my past trauma that I felt I could thrive again!

Health starts from the inside and moves out! Adding a meditation practice and strength training routine to my repatoire of healthy habits changed everything. I hope my story and my experiences can help you heal. At the very least, know that I’ve been down that road, and yes it does suck, but the body wants homeostasis, it wants to be healed!

I feel I am on my final leg of my healing journey. After feeling stagnant for many years, I am finally moving forward again! I am a new Beachbody coach and I hope through this business I can share all my health and wellness knowledge with an emphasis on the mind/body connection.

Check out my coach page at beachbodycoach.com/cassandrak89

or check out my healthy living Facebook page Facebook.com/cassiescures



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