Pumpkincinno Oatmeal

It’s that time of the year when everything is pumpkin flavored and I am totally digging it! I actually got the idea for this recipe from a pumpkin/cappuccino beer my husband was drinking. If a beer can combine those flavors, than oatmeal can do it! If you workout in the morning like me, this is a perfect post workout meal. Here’s how I threw it together…



1 c Old fashioned oats

1/3 c brewed coffee

1/2 c Pumpkin puree




I start off my cooking the oats in 1 cup water and 1/3 cup coffee. After about a minute I turn the heat down and add the rest of the ingredients. The amount of spices I add varies dependent on my taste buds that day. I do recommend using the stevia though. I experimented with different sweeteners including vanilla extract, honey, maple/agave syrup, and vanilla protein powder but I liked stevia the best!

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