16 Ways to Kick the Winter Blues

Here in the Pacific Northwest Seasonal Depression is common grounds. When the rainy, dark winter months come along it is normal to feel sluggish and just generally bad. However, after 4 years I have learned some tricks to kick the winter blues!


  1. Know the signs of SAD
  2. Get outside early and often
  3. Exercise everyday- bonus points for aerobic exercise!
  4. Watch caffeine intake
  5. Eat more healthy fats and green veggies
  6. Use positive affirmations first thing in the morning
  7. Meditate
  8. Do yoga- especially inversions
  9. Find a goal that fires you up
  10. Light Therapy
  11. Get up as soon as your alarm goes off
  12. Vitamin D
  13. Avoid Alcohol
  14. Avoid gluten-if your sensitive to it
  15. B Vitamins
  16. Drink more water

Ultimately, the habits that make you physically healthy, will make you feel mentally well too. Pay extra attention to the mind/body connection through the winter months. A little extra time outside as well as Vitamin D is all you need if you already live a healthy lifestyle. What I have discovered is that cold, dark days make it easy to ditch your healthy habits. So it isn’t that the winter is making you blue, it is the lack of healthy habits that is hurting you! At the end of the day if you want to feel good- eat veggies, drink water, sleep well, feel gratitude and manage stress- and everyday will be a good day!

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